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One-Time Financial Plan

One-time plans are for those seeking a financial check-up and fine tuning of their current situation.


Everyone, regardless of age or financial status, needs a financial plan. If you only have simple financial planning needs at this time and healthy financial habits, a one-time plan may be appropriate for you.


Most clients benefit from ongoing planning services to keep up with life's changes. Check out our subscription planning services here

Collaborative Meeting Process

Introductory Meeting

A no cost, no commitment 30 min call to assess our mutual fit, discuss your goals at a high level, address your initial questions and talk through potential next steps. Whether looking to save or invest more, buy a home, retire early, combine finances with a partner, tackle student loans or consumer debt, or simply manage your money in the smartest way, we can determine the best way to work together to help you achieve these goals.


Discovery Meeting

The framework for our collaborative planning process, together we’ll assess your current financial situation and dive into your short- and long-term goals, needs, and concerns. This includes talking through your historical relationship with money, resulting money mindset, and how these shape your perceptions and decision making.


Planning Meetings

Depending on what is learned in the Discovery meeting, planning meetings typically occur over two to four 30-60 minute meetings in order to steadily work through the covered planning topics. 

We review potential scenarios as part of our findings and recommendations. You will walk away from each planning meeting with a clear outline of where you stand with the topic/s discussed and the proposed recommendations to improve your financial well being. 


Review Meeting

One review meeting is included for One-Time Plan clients. During this meeting we gauge progress and any other material changes that has happened in your life (think: receiving a promotion or changing jobs, merging finances with a partner, moving, etc.), and update your plan accordingly. The client is responsible for the implementation and ongoing monitoring of their financial plan, and may engage with their CFP® anytime at an hourly rate for further support or accountability.


  • Further planning services outside of the predetermined scope of work will be billed at a fixed hourly rate.

  • One-Time Plan clients have the option to convert into an Ongoing Planning client upon request.

Let's Get To Work

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